Gotta say, Chris, I love everything about this response. The connection of experiences. The quotation from Frankl and reference to Stoicism. And the final exhortation to grieve and move forward with joy. I hope I write a few comments here and there that are half as good as this.
You're clearly a good reader, too. Yes, this is a processing piece, written from the midst of the storm. I also hoped it would be a kind of generic paradox, in that readers would see the title and expect a rant against the university or a screed of grievance, but get something else, more reflective and personal, and feel their righteous anger settle and their empathy and other warm emotions engaged. I don't know how well I succeeded in that, given the comments, but you seem to have received it as I hoped.
I can't imagine being in the film biz right now. I'm sorry that you had a rough go and delighted that you've found your way. And that you encouraged me.
Thank you for reading and writing, my friend. I appreciate you.