I can't tell you how much I appreciate this response, Jim, and I acknowledge the truth of what you say.
I have considered whether I could retire and how I could leverage the equity in my house. I'm still working on that, but with a daughter in college who's a rising junior, my options are limited, unless I just tell her she's on her own. That wouldn't feel right, at least right now. Check back in a year, though!
As for that book--I'm fatigued. Maybe later, with better perspective. I happily walked away from that project at the time, but I keep reading, keep adding work to the bibliography. I haven't abandoned the idea completely.
I do keep up with many graduates, some from long ago but more recent ones especially. This decision brought many of them back in contact with me and my colleagues.
In fact, I plan a follow-up piece on communicating with those who've influenced you, especially teachers. I got one email from a student I taught for one year, and her email moved and still moves me to tears. I have a dozen such letters and emails in my past that I never sent and I regret that now. Your mention of your Cultural Anthropology professor is more stimulus to write that piece.
Enjoy The Beths and enjoy the beach, my friend. Thanks so much for reading and responding. I appreciate you.