I've delivered lectures in lecture halls perhaps four dozen times in my life, Christine. My modus operandi is a classroom of 20 or fewer, usually with desks circled up or us seated around a large table, with the conversation bouncing around, me bounding to the board to write something out, or to the screen to pull something up on the computer, and then back to discussion. That, I fear, will be gone. It's wonderful, but it has a use-by date.
But you are certainly right about the opportunity to try something new and exciting. The experience of writing this short piece and seeing it go viral has been new and exciting! I look forward to developing some talents and new ways of sharing what I know.
I'll miss what I'm losing, because it's a rich and meaningful life. That's what I wanted to express in this piece.
Thank you for your encouragement! You are very kind. And thank you for reading and responding, my friend. I appreciate you.