PLEASE keep going, Adeline. You're one of the best writers I've found on Medium. I have this quaint notion that if I try really hard and practice a lot, I'll be able to write (almost) as well as you. I suspect that's my inner T-ball coach telling the runt that he can play in the major leagues, too, but I'm heeding it.
One thing that I appreciate about you--do not laugh--is that you write with authority. You know what you think and feel, you know what's right and wrong, and you express that. It expresses power even when you're writing about a sense of powerlessness. I am writing to discover those things about myself, so nearly every piece travels from "Huh?" to "Aha!" I don't want to adopt a didactic, learn-from-me tone ("policy-wonks writing from their couches" as you brilliantly named them), but I'd like to stop living in such transition and just say something sometimes. And you do it every time.
That's one of many reasons I hope you keep going.