Solastalgia is a terrible word! It's an indiscernible mashup of Latin and Greek, even for someone who knows both. Part of the problem is multiple possibilities. There's solus (Latin for "alone," not "devastation"), sol ("sun" in Latin), and solacium ("solace, comfort" in Latin) that you note in your Wired column, and others. But none makes obvious sense here.
I propose geophthisalgia. Yeah, I know, not very sayable, but it should be mostly recognizable. It's all Greek: geo- from γῆ, earth; phthis- from φθίσις, wasting, perishing, decay; and algia from ἄλγος, pain, with the -ia ending denoting a condition. Some English speakers will know phthisis as an archaic word for TB or "consumption."
Just a linguistic thought!