Thank you for your kind words, Purbita. You most certainly are in a growing field! Our computer science department is planning to add a degree in data science soon, and other schools in our state systems are doing the same. I hate to say it, but I am not sure I understand what "data science" is--but that and cybersecurity are two growth areas on our campus.
To give you a picture of our small campus, when the chancellor released her proposal, the chairs of all departments took it on themselves to write an alternate proposal; not a rebuttal of the chancellor per se but a different, more compassionate plan to address the fiscal crisis. The two chairs who led it were in physics and computer science, and the computer science chair and I spent a couple of great hours working on the final draft. That's the kind of intellectual community that I've enjoyed for while. I know that it's rare, and I will miss it if I have to leave.
Thanks for reading and responding, my friend. I appreciate you.