Thank you, Georgia, and I'm sorry you've been touched by a similar situation. Your university cut all liberal arts programs? That makes quite a statement about their value! I'm fairly sure that there are also political motives behind the choice to eliminate only Humanities departments at my school, but no one will ever say so. The rhetoric is all about fiscal responsibility and student demand and numbers, numbers, numbers.
Not since I was a child have I wished I were older, but five more years would make this situation much less uncomfortable! As I write, I'll be 60 in December and I've done just fine, but I can't retire now. I too hope that whatever is next will be satisfying and rewarding. I just have no idea what that might be, and that blankness is unnerving. If I were 49 I would be devastated. I feel for your colleagues who are in that place.
Thank you for reading and responding, Georgia. It's always a pleasure to communicate with you.