The faith community that I find most real and vibrant is in relationship with the poor and homeless of the community, Jeanine. (You can read about it here if you want: I actually don't know that following Jesus leads always to something redemptive; I have many acquaintances and some friends whose lives are broken and beautiful, but they're a mess. Partly due to systemic issues like poverty and affordable housing, partly due to bad habits and bone-headed choices, they struggle. But they have faith, and they love, and they worship, and they inspire me, and I love many of them.
All of which is to say that I won't blame faith or God if I don't profit from this. I recognize that as a real possibility, and if so, I may gain more empathy for others whom life has knocked down. However it goes, I'll be fine. I believe that.
Thank you very much for reading and responding, my friend. I appreciate you.