Translation key much appreciated!
I remember very well when I learned BFF (I'm a 57 year old professor). Nearly 20 years ago, we discussed Plato's Symposium in a first year humanities class. I came to the next class and there, propped in the chalkboard tray, was a very good cartoon of me and Plato, both labeled, holding hands and smiling, with the caption BFF.
Given the discussion of pederasty in the Symposium, I leapt to the worst conclusion of what BF stood for. I glared at the class, speechless, but they weren't giving off a transgressive vibe. Smiles everywhere. So I said nothing, which must have been strange to them. Back in my office I looked it up. I was so relieved to read "Best Friends Forever." And I thanked the class the next meeting.
I still have that cartoon in my office.