Very much agreed, Nicole: relatively few Christians know what the Bible says, or know it from their own reading and study.
As others have pointed out, Jesus' words in Matt.11:12-15 are more an expression of John the Baptist as a type and a fulfillment of prophecy than a statement in support of reincarnation. The idea of reincarnation existed in the Mediterranean world among the Greeks, at least, for whom the word is "metempsychosis" or "palingenesis." Pythagoras famously believed it and practiced vegetarianism as a result (see Ovid, Metamorphoses 15), and Plato illustrates it at the end of the Republic in the "Myth of Er." So it was out there. But the Jews seem to have rejected the idea.
I don't think any other comments have pointed out, but one verse in the Bible seems expressly to reject the idea of reincarnation, Hebrews 9:27: "Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment...". That's simply one verse in one epistle, but it provides some framework for thinking about the beliefs of that writer, and perhaps others.
Take care.