Well, hello neighbor! Thanks for writing, Jody, and yes, HCA and UNCA, in different ways, are not the ornaments of Asheville that they once were.
I wrote this as an expression of my experience from the middle of the storm rather than as an argument or diatribe, but yes, I fault the administrations past and present, and I feel resentment at the arguments that are being used. I didn't want to write about it, and honestly, I don't share those at the university either. I'm now the chair of our soon-to-be eliminated department, and I want to be as positive and collaborative as I can be as final decisions are made. I think I can allow myself anger and bitterness, because I'm grieving the loss of something precious to me, while still treating my colleagues with respect and even warmth.
We could talk for hours about house prices, that's certain. I moved from North Asheville to West Asheville this year, so I enjoyed the equity that I'd built up, but I still had to go in debt in the current market. I'm sorry that it's occupying so much of your thought and energy.
Thank you for reading and responding, Jody, and perhaps our paths will cross in town. Take care.