Yes, I feel all of this, Lee. Fortunately I haven't taken life-altering hits, or life-worsening hits, in past relationships, but my ability to afford them decreases as I get older. If/when I go back to online dating, I think that I'll need to advertise upfront that it would be best to find someone who is independently financial stable, as I am, and does not have children still at home. That somehow seems cruel to say before, "Hello," but that's how things appear to me now.
But other things, like the need to contribute to aging parents' care, or children's struggles, seem to me to fall outside the realm of prenuptial preparation. It's hard to know how one will feel when those moments arise, and we can't plan away every emergency. For some things, it seems like leaning into "For better and for worse" is the only recourse.
You're always brilliant and insightful, Lee. I appreciate you.